Engaging Communities

Engaging Communities

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Communities can serve as powerful partners in preventing child and abuse and neglect, and in supporting families at the front end of child welfare. Engaging communities to support families expands the available resources for all and fosters a sense of collective responsibility for the well-being of children. Moreover, engaging with communities creates opportunities to address the broader issues that put families at risk.

Featured Resources

Digital Dialogue

Building Community Capacity to Support Perinatal Mental Health

Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are among the most common complications that occur in pregnancy or in the first 12 months after delivery. Yet despite the long-reaching negative impacts on parent-child attachment, child development, and financial stability, perinatal mental health (PMH) disorders often remain underdiagnosed, untreated, or under-treated.

Building Community, Building Hope
Relationships Matter video

Relationships Matter: Strengthening and Supporting Families

This film explores the layers of trust and relationship that need to be in place for primary prevention to work and features San Francisco-based family resource center Safe & Sound and the families they serve.

Training Video Series

Preventing Child Neglect Training Series

The Preventing Child Neglect training series raises public awareness and understanding of child maltreatment, its causes, protective factors that help shield children and families, and manageable steps that each of us can take to help reduce the likelihood of child neglect.

Complete List of Resources

Videos and Social Media

Tools and Tip-Sheets

Digital Dialogue Recordings

External Resources
